Friday, February 03, 2006

LOOK GUYS! this is me!!! I finally look normal in a picture i usually look like crap in pics. hehe

have you ever notice how certain people look at you with that special look that makes your legs go all numb and wobbly but at the same time make your heartbeat so fast you could hardly catch your breath to even look at that special someone? if you really have that type of feeling when you are if that person, you may have fallen for that person or you have have a rare case of some disease. and that you think of that person every night before you rest in the comfort of youe bed? i seriously think that you should actually confront that person face to face, althought it will probably make you soo nervous you couldnt even talk. but if you can, try asking that person out for luch or dinner or for a movie or something, who knows, maybe something will come out of that nothing.

1 more thing, if you want your relationship to be a secret, do not give the impression that you like that person to other people as they will get curious and poke their nose into want eva you 2 do together. Take my advice im a pro in this stuff i dont know why.

May God bless you all to find your perfect partner.



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